Street Art class
Making art is not a straight line, sometimes it’s fussy and filled with curves. Practice makes better is what we try to instill, each class builds on lessons so art lessons can transfer from painting drawing sculpture … today we are teaching color theory, large format composition and design with spray paint. Jack working on…
12 of 100, Duel doodle, Gio vs Alex.
How many times have you taken something apart for the shear joy of discovery. That was me, add in a sense of dread, on this day. It started after school, walking home and head bopping. The music in my headphones warped, it was the tape innocently wrapped itself into the pulleys. My shock and lack…
8 of 100 days of art making
How to make the sandwich pictured below. The best sandwich starts with 10 slices of toasted whole wheat bread. Lay them out like a game of solitaire. Each slice will need a dollop of mayonnaise, a pinch of Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Now add two crispy bacon strips to each slice. Depending…