Ok, night two

I painted in front of the CVS near my home. A slight change of palette, I added a lemon yellow, sap green, and burnt umber. That gives me seven colors!

  • Cadmium red deep
  • Windsor blue
  • Cadmium yellow deep
  • Titanium white
  • Lemon yellow
  • Sap green
  • Burnt umber.

The extra colors worked out great, I have a lot(!) more work to do and will not put off working on my palette anymore. Try new things. I am thinking about picking a subject less lit, all the street lights are muting the over all ‘nighttime’ feel. As you can imagine I’m painting by street lamp, lots of dim yellow light (see below). I would like more ‘nighttime’ in my paintings, I don’t have any real idea how to do this, I’m going to just try lot of stuff. I would love to hear from anyone who has painted at night (Update below). How do you see your pallets, colors on the canvas, keep eye from “flash blindness” or light from polluting your subject matter? 20131107-093608 (1)

(Below) you can get a sense of the lighting and what colors I can see (The photo is not far off). One unforeseen bonus to all the grey yellow is allowing me to concentrate on tonality and form.


UPDATE: I got an email from Mara.

  1. Mara suggested I google around and sent me a link, in the comment section was this link, and it address a lot of issues I have found.
  2. “I liked this quote, ‘in the dark all cats are gray’“.
  3. Mara suggest using black,( I have never successfully painted with black but, time to try new things).