Preparing to design more ‘Clem Heads’

Preparing for NEW Clem Dog Head paintings. Lots of ideas (Mexican wrestler, circulatory system, plaids, patterns, and or scale style masks). I though lots of sketches would be a good idea. So I cut a stamp out of this block.

I need to get myself a press, Does anyone have a press they would like to trade for art work?


Drawing now starting to cut a new linoleum block, this is going to be fun.



It took too long to find my knives. Everything came back to me once I had them in my hand.


I think that will do it, Now for some ink. I have no black, just brown.


Brown ink, now for some hand pressing.



Filled 20 pages with this dog head, now to plan out the next two Clem Heads. Clem is loving all the attention.